Mastectomy Time
I healed from my last chemo, through October. It was pretty uneventful. I met with my surgeon on the 24th of October, and she scheduled my surgery for November 4th. I had a sentinel lymph node biopsy and a modified radical mastectomy. Plus I had my port removed as well. The surgery went fine. I stayed the night in the hospital. Went home in the late afternoon the next day. I have a drain tube still. That's been real fun. I keep getting clots in it that I have to strip out. The drain is disgusting but I deal with it. John has helped me with it. I have taken three showers in a week. I have to cover up my drain tube on my body so it's kind of a pain in the ass . The hospital did give me some sticky covers for it so that was a big help. I use a shoestring around my neck to hang the drain lol. Hey it works! I still drain ...