A long couple of weeks

     I've taken a minute or two to try to process all thats been going on since my biopsy.  My biopsy results did indeed find breast cancer in my right breast.  I found that out for certain in July 9th. I was scheduled for an mri and to meet with the surgeon.   
     I have stage 2 invasive ductal carcinoma.  Her2- and PR/ER+. Never thought I'd understand what those meant.  I read them before I was actual diagnosed and it was confusing.  Until I met with my surgeon, Dr.  Hatch.  She explained everything to John and I. Answered questions.  Gave me a book about breast cancer.
     I meet with my oncology Dr.  after that. Dr.  Fiddler.  It was a shorter visit.  He scheduled an MRI and a ct scan.  The MRI was to check my lymph nodes for cancer.  The ct scan was to check other parts of my body for cancer. 
Both have checked out fine.  Good news.
     I also had a port placement surgery for when my chemo therapy starts.  That went well until last night.  I ended up in The ER. I was having really bad chest pain, that hurt to breath, bend forward, or lay down. 
     We were in Great Falls, for my daughter's roller derby bout.  We left early in the morning to get there by noon.  We stayed until early evening then were on our way back home.  My pain started about an hour before we left. But I felt off all day.  Like I was in an RA flare. 
     When we finally got home I called the after hours nurse at the oncology clinic.  She told me to go right to the er. We did.  They did an ekg right away, which was fine.  We got a room.  They ran some tests.  Another ct scan and an xray. To rule out a blood clot.  Everything was fine.  They said it was pleurisy.  Caused in combo from the RA and cancer. 
    Sent home with pain meds.  Have to follow up with the oncology Dr.  No appt scheduled as of right now.  I am in limbo.  Apparently waiting for prior auth from insurance.  Joy.
     My tentative treatment plan is to do chemo first, to try to shrink the cancer.  Then I have a mastectomy.  Then possible radiation and on to tamoxifin. That's all I know right now.  It's been a lot to take in. 


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